Mastitis is one of the most common infections on dairy farms around the world today, with approximately 20-30% of cows in any herd likely to become infected each year. Mastitis infections have many negative results such as reduced milk yield, veterinary costs, and increased risk of early culling. Clinical mastitis infections create swelling or clotting in the udder and are visible to farmers, while sub-clinical mastitis infections do not result in visible symptoms and can only be detected through dedicated examination, for example by measuring Somatic Cell Count (SCC) or using tests.

This group focuses on the latest research directly or indirectly related to mastitis in cows. The meetings are online, on the first Friday of each month, from 12:00 to 13:00 Irish Time.

Upcoming Meetings

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation title

Past Meetings

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation Title
6th May 2022 Prof. Roumiana Tsenkova Aquaphotomics Research Department at Kobe University, Japan Aquaphotomics:  Integrative Platform in Science and Technology
4th March 2022 Pablo Silva Bolona Teagasc Exploring the impact of and developing evidence based guidelines for selective dry cow therapy in Irish herds Click Here
4th February 2022 Luke O’ Grady School of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin Luke’s work which included Mastitis Click Here
3rd December 2021 Dorota Anglart DeLaval International, Tumba, Sweden Sensor based indicators of mastitis and milk quality Click Here
5th November 2021  Tania Bobbo University of Padova Comparison of machine learning methods to predict udder health status based on somatic cell counts in dairy cows Click Here
1st October 2021 Sinead McParland Teagasc Predicting quarter level infection using cow and bulk tank data Click Here
3rd September 2021   Lucile Riaboff University College Dublin Cattle welfare and health assessment: from motion sensors to interpretation of findings Click Here
4th August 2021 Michelle Carey  University College Dublin  Intro to the functional data analysis group at UCD Click Here
30th June 2021  Changhong Jin University College Dublin  Sub-Clinical Mastitis Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Milk Flow Profiles Click Here

If you are interested to be added to the group mailing list, and be updated on the future events, please contact